Beauty Secrets: My mother's beauty routine
INSOO is my mother's Korean name, it means "keep compassion for others".
My mother has been known for her beautiful skin. When my mother was admitted to a nursing home at 83 years old, my sister went to see her for the first time at that facility and asked the staff where she can find her, she mentioned mother's name, and the staff asked her "Is that a lady with beautiful skin?" Wow..... My mother passed away December 2020 at age 91 years, she is in the best place, Heaven.

Two new products inspired by my mother's beauty routine:
1. Face Mask: a new product "100% Natural Green Tea Mask" packed with anti-aging warriors. My mom often applied commercial facial masques which made her look more like something out of a movie, Friday the 13th. My sisters and I always fought over who would peel off her masque. Also every time she cooked an egg, she applied the left over egg liquid onto her face as a masque.
2. Apply Essence to palm of your hand and Vigorously Pat Face: another new product "Rice Yeast and Herbs Essence". My mom would make her own homemade lotions using sake. Every night, I would hear the sound of “slapping” as my mother would firmly pat her face with lotion. You could hear this sound throughout the house. Recently, I saw the images of Naoko Nemoto (former wife of the first president of Indonesia). She’s now over 80-years old but looks fabulous! She said the secret to her great skin complexion is to apply lotion by patting her face vigorously! I am now doing the same thing and vigorously pat my face with essence until my cheeks turn pink!
3. NO SUGAR!! Eliminate as much sugar as possible from your diet. Studies have shown that sugar causes inflammation. Inflammation damages cells and contributes to aging. My mother had no interest in sweets. Korean cuisine uses less sugar than Japanese cuisine. I suffered with sinus allergies almost my whole life and it disappeared after I eliminated sugar from my diet. My raised blood sugar level also normalized (I was pre-diabetic and no more!).
4. Regularly cleanse and protect your skin from direct skin exposure: My mother never failed to wash her face each night before going to bed. Even though she didn’t wear make-up, she cleansed her face daily and diligently applied her lotion by patting. She would use a parasol when she went outside to protect her skin from the sun. My practical choice is a hat.
Beautiful skin begins with good habits and good products are a must!!